Articles by Shayna Gutke Poupko

Mind the Gap


The bulging suitcases are packed with thought of all possible eventualities. Shopping sprees preempt the target date of departure. Shampoo and conditioners, in-style skirts and tops, or favorite type of kippa and belt, that fit the school’s specifications, contact lenses and solutions, deodorants, toothpaste, pictures of the family, linens, Shabbos clothes, hoodies and sweaters that sport the newest insignias – all are stuffed into two pieces of luggage and hand luggage, ready for that long awaited gap year in Israel.

But how much forethought went into preparing the student for his/her new environment? School will now be the new home, but, whereas home is familiar, forgiving, and supportive, school will be foreign and formidable, with no built-in support system.

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