Articles by Esti Rossberg

Is It Time?


A Maryland State Police employee told me that the highest concentration of legal handgun ownership in Baltimore City is centered in the Jewish community. Yet even though you have never heard of a negligent discharge (inadvertent or accidental discharge of a firearm) nor of a child finding and handling a firearm nor of an illegal use of a legal firearm in our community – there is a great deal of fear and loathing when it comes to firearms and firearm ownership. On the other hand, the current rise in both crime and antisemitism creates an impetus to be licensed to own and carry a firearm – and to do it as soon as possible.

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For the Love of Bread


Once I learned that you are supposed to put shmura matzah in the oven for a few minutes, I developed a brand-new love of Pesach. But after eight days, I was happy to be reunited with my sourdough starter. (Speak with your rav regarding how you might or might not put it away for Pesach.)

I’ve already baked a lot of bread since the end of Yom Tov. Challah, of course. Sandwich bread, because it only takes a couple of hours – and, it goes without saying, sourdough, because it really is the mother of all bread. My freezer is well stocked.

There are other breads I am yearning to bake. By the time you read this I will probably have made them all. Here’s my wish list: pita, laffa, pizza dough, focaccia, and pumpooshki.

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Protect Yourself from Crime


Whenever I speak about staying safe in dangerous times, I remind people that my purpose is not to scare them. Whether I am giving my seminar, Refuse to Be a Victim, or teaching women how owning and carrying a handgun fits into their defense of family and home, I try to empower rather than frighten.

Carjackings, muggings, home invasions, and even squeegee encounters can be scary and demoralizing. We may not be able to stop these situations, but there are often ways to avoid them – and if you cannot avoid them, you can survive them. Situational awareness is your best tool. Keep your eyes and ears open, and keep your head on a swivel. The earlier you recognize a potential threat, the more likely that you can avoid or mitigate it.

Read More:Protect Yourself from Crime

Safety Is No Accident

What would make you jump into a tank of hungry sharks? Would you do it to retrieve your engagement ring? Your wallet? How about your child? I think we would all jump into a shark tank to save our child – instinctively – without a thought for our own safety or survival.

Fortunately, this is not a likely scenario, but it makes sense that parents who would jump into a shark tank should also do everything they can to keep their children from falling in in the first place. Our first responsibility is to make our children shark-proof, so to speak, and give them tools to stay safe. There are so many things, large and small, that we can teach our children and do for them that can help them avoid becoming victims.

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