Articles by Yiddy Lebovits

LIFE IN THE LAND : Living the Prophecy!

I grew up in Williamsburg, Brooklyn, New York, and attended the Spinka and then the Satmar cheder there. While in Satmar, I learned first-hand their unbelievable quest to do chesed, collect tzedaka for others, and help people in need – a trait which makes Satmar shine in its own unique piece of the puzzle that is Am Yisrael. At the same time, I learned about Satmar’s strict view on the concept of Eretz Yisrael in today’s age, lumping most positive aspects of Eretz Yisrael today under the blanket term of “Tzionus.” I even participated in many of the protests. Because of this upbringing, I lacked any connection to the Land and its history, including any yearning for it. The thought of living there never crossed my mind, unless a supernatural phenomenon would start happening. Then, we, the Satmar chasidim, would surely be allowed a front seat to the excitement of Mashiach, because we had it right and everyone else, sadly, had bowed to the avoda zara. So, I thought, until…

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