Articles by Chaim Wilson

A Unique Yeshiva: an Insider’s View


Talk about a generation gap! I’m old enough to be their zaidy, yet we learn side by side. Let me explain how, at 61, I cast my lot with 16 year olds. No, the age inversion is not a dyslexic reading of the application. Rather, at my age, I am beyond taking myself too seriously – but I do take learning Torah seriously. I had heard about a retired physician who attended a yeshiva high school in town, and decided that I, too, could swallow my pride to study with those a quarter my age. It’s like owning up to being dumb, but, as the Chinese say, “One can ask a dumb question and be embarrassed for five minutes, or not ask the question and live in ignorance for the rest of one’s life.” Or, more aptly, “Lo habayshan lomed – The one who is bashful doesn’t learn.” (Pirkei Avos 2:6)

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