Torah Institute Robotics Competition


February 11, 2020 was a very special day for the sixth through eighth graders of the Torah Institute of Baltimore. TI entered 64 middle school competitors (14 teams) who created and programmed unique robots in the first annual CIJE Robotics competition in Maryland. The boys spent over five months of recess time in addition to evening meetings at host parents’ homes to build the robots and program them to implement assigned tasks. The Yeshiva of Greater Washington and Talmudical Academy of Baltimore came to Torah Institute’s preschool gym to compete in the robotics competition.

The students of Torah Institute are given ample opportunities to shine in all areas. Dr. Suzanne Cotter, the English Department Coordinator of TI, has been at the forefront in embracing CIJE (Center for Initiatives in Jewish Education) as a curriculum partner. The CIJE has been an amazing resource, providing the students with updated curricula in English studies as well as implementing STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Math) deep into the curriculum. This gives the boys of the Torah Institute of Baltimore an opportunity to tap into their many academic strengths in high-interest fields, in this case engineering and robotics. TI was therefore honored to volunteer to host the first-ever CIJE Robotics tournament. 

In the process of building and programming the robots, the boys also built up themselves. Each boy got to use his unique individual talents and also learned to display incredible teamwork. Team building and achdus (unity) were a constant theme throughout the process. Ahavas Yisrael among teams encompassing different grades, levels, and ages highlighted an incredible sense of cooperation, respect for others, and camaraderie. Additionally, skills such as proper time management, work ethic, responsibility, and being a team player were highlighted as a benefit to all. 

TI bought a half-rink game field to allow the boys authentic practice against each other. But the most inspirational part of the process was how the boys helped each other overcome challenges. The boys of Torah Institute used their ingenuity, critical thinking, creativity, and engineering skills to create and program their robots with the help of Mr. Kaufman, and Robotics Club presidents Ephraim Gersten and Yechezkel Kirshenbaum. Every robot had to be very agile, with the ability to move in every direction and complete complex assigned tasks. Each boy used his own ideas and creativity to help his team, resulting in each robot being impressive and aesthetically unique. 

The boys demonstrated impressive team work. Yechezkel Kirshenbaum and Ephraim Gersten were available to all the teams, instructing, inspiring, and motivating. Students in other groups lauded them, saying, “They [Yechezkel and Ephraim] could have done even better in the competition for their own team if they didn’t help everyone else so much.” It was said that, during one of the last recess meetings, all of the teams spontaneously gave Ephraim and Yechezkel a standing ovation for their tremendous display of teamwork throughout the process.

There was a CIJE official judge leading the competitions at every table, as well as a bustle of other students crowding around to watch how the final competitions would play out. The judges were keeping score on tablets, which connected directly to four large screens that displayed real-time scores. Many of the boys excitedly kept tabs on the scores throughout the tournaments. After 69 qualifying rounds, eight semifinalist teams advanced to determine the champions. It was a close competition in the finals, and it was especially exciting to see team TI-10 win the tournament!

All the schools did a fantastic job, and the sense of achdus in the room was tangible. The CIJE robotics tournament in Maryland was run by Adam Jerozolim, Joseph Saltzman, Phillip Brazil, and Executive Director, Judy Lebovits. The entire endeavor was made possible in TI by the outstanding English Department Coordinator, Dr. Suzanne Cotter. 

The Robotics Tournament champions are:

  • Torah Institute, Team 10: Shmuel Dovid Eichorn, Yisroel Meir Feinberg, Avromi Fine, Mordy Radzyner, Akiva Sova
  • Torah Institute, Team 7: Shmuel Abba Reischer, Yosef Soltz, Elimelech Stern, and Mordecai Tendler

The Robotics Tournament second place winners are:

  • Torah Institute, Team 1: Ephraim Gersten, Moshe Goodman, Yechezkel Kirshenbaum, and Meir Simcha Paige
  • Talmudical Academy, Team 6: Tzvi Aryeh Markowitz, Yehoshua Hoffman, and Yossi Rubelow 

The next tournament, on March 29, will be hosted by the Talmudical Academy of Baltimore. Until then, you might just spot the boys in town strolling down the block with robots by their side. You will now understand why. As an aside, certain frum mothers in Maryland will be very happy to have an extra pair of “hands” in the house to complete tasks such as picking up dirty socks and making the beds!

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