The Rewards of Group Learning


People are living longer. Many men can retire at age 65 and have at least 10 to 20 productive years ahead without the yoke of parnassa. Those who were unable to devote themselves to Torah learning because of the need to support their families can now return to the beis medrash. There is ample time, using this golden stage of life, to attempt to acquire the most esteemed accolade: talmid chacham! There are currently structured programs in Baltimore providing opportunities throughout the day for growth in Torah. No longer must we suffice with grabbing a Daf Yomi shiur in the morning and listening to our Rav explain a halacha between Mincha and Maariv. 

The purpose of this article is to motivate men who have the time and love Torah to come together and learn it b’chabura. As Rabbi Moshe Heinemann said, “The mitzva of limud Torah is greatly enhanced when it is done b’chabura.”

The Chofetz Chaim wrote a book called Shem Olam. He devotes the entire chapter 21 to this issue and lists the following advantages of learning in groups.

·         Kiddush Hashem. The more men in the Torah group, the greater glory, exponentially, for the King. Rabbeinu Yona writes that, during the learning, the Source of Life receives a crown, and His entire kingdom is lauded.

·         Your Torah words are written down in the book of Zichronos.

·         If 10 men come to the group, the Shechinah precedes them, meaning that you give the Shechinah even more comfort.

·         It’s the only way to acquire Torah, as stated in Avos 6:6.

·         There is more accountability to others when you miss.

·         You will feel the loss more on the days that you miss, since the group has continued without you.

·         You can fulfill the positive mitzva of teaching Torah any time you explain to a friend who does not understand; you become his rebbe.

·         It is a segula to be able to zero-in on the truth of Torah. Learning alone is a segula to become dull-witted in Torah.

·         Hakadosh Baruch Hu corrects your mistakes.

·         His words are fire. Learning Torah in a group is a bonfire!

·         You fulfill a positive commandment based upon Dvarim 27:9: “Group together and be attentive to words of Torah, oh Israel.”

·         People who are not able to learn very well on their own must hire teachers and join groups to increase their diligence.

·         These groups stimulate Divine tolerance towards Israel.

·         After all the harassment and troubles that Israel will suffer at the end of the exile, they will not merit to be redeemed except in the zechus of 10 men who sit near each other and learn Torah together.

Another important consideration is that the Talmud states that the flawless mitzva of learning Torah is when it is verbalized (Eruvin 54a).The concept of Shome’ah k’oneh (listening counts as speaking) applies here (Gra”z Talmud Torah 2:12), meaning that when your chavrusa or instructor speaks words of Torah to you, it is considered as if you yourself spoke those same words – with one caveat. The sound must be directly from his live flesh and blood. Digital impulses via any device that sound like his voice do not suffice for this perfection.

We know that learning Torah is the most productive vocation that exists. Let us come together as a community and spend structured days involved with our most cherished possession!


Rabbi Edelman is Rosh Yeshiva of Yeshivas Gevuras Ari, a subdivision of Mercaz Torah U’Tefillah (Eichenstein’s). He is also founder of the educational resource Rebbes’ Mussar Stories at


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