“Purimfest 1946!”


This year we mark the 80th anniversary of the Wannsee Conference, where the leaders of Nazi Germany formulated the Final Solution. The evil plot culminated with the perishing of one third of our people. A few years later, the perpetrators met the same fate after being convicted at the Nuremberg trials. Their mode of execution, hanging, was that same as that of Haman’s 10 sons in Megillas Esther: hanging. Nor was this the only parallel with the Megillah.

“Hashem will have war with Amalek every generation.” (Shmos 17:16) A student once asked the Brisker Rav if the Vilna Gaon’s association of Amalek with Germany could be substantiated, to which the Rav replied, “Any nation that adopts the persona or legacy of any other nation, like Amalek, indeed becomes that nation.”[1] Indeed, we see in our own day how the Arabs of Eretz Yisrael often adopt the persona and savagery of the Philistines (anglicized as “Palestinians”), the nation they seek to reincarnate for Israel’s destruction. The Nuremberg trials demonstrate a similar replay of history. As we relive Purim this year, it would behoove us to remember a Purim victory at Nuremberg and to pray for Hashem’s victory over the Amalekites of our day.

Nuremberg Hangings in the Megillah

Dr. Moshe Katz in his book, CompuTorah: Hidden Codes in the Torah, illustrates the association of Purim with the Nuremberg trials hangings of the Final Solution culprits. The Megillah describes how, at Haman’s downfall, Esther was granted her request to hang his 10 sons even though they had already been killed. Each son is denoted by the Hebrew word “es,” a superfluous word, which refers to another individual to be hanged in the future. (According to the Ramban, any change from the usual way or writing words alludes to a hidden meaning. Rashi also notes, at the birth of Kayin and Hevel, that the word “es” indicated another child [a twin or triplet] being born with them.)

In addition, three of the sons’ names contain small letters (tav, shin, zayin), whose numerical value is 5707, the Hebrew year that corresponds to 1946, the year the 10 hangings at Nuremberg occurred. Divine providence was no doubt at work to associate the Nuremberg hangings with the Megillah hangings. Out of the 23 criminals on trial, 11 were selected for hanging. But two hours before their execution, Hermann Goering, who authorized the development and implementation of the Final Solution, managed to commit suicide in his jail cell, leaving the 10 remaining to be publicly hung.

One Notorious Convict

Among the Final Solution criminals selected for hanging was Julius Streicher, the notorious Nazi propagandist who created the Jewish caricatures for the German populace to vilify. As editor of the Nazi weekly Der Strumer for over two decades, he depicted Jews as vermin – short, dark, and conniving – to be exterminated. This was opposed to his allegedly tall, blond, and racially superior German audience. Ironically, anthropological studies have long disproved Nazi racial theories; it shows that approximately 25% of European Jews were blond and blue eyed. Ironically, most of the notorious Nazi leaders were short, dark, and dumpy, the very “inferior” racial characteristics with which they sought to stigmatize Jews. The people the Nazis deemed to be the most racially “pure” were the Danes. Ironically, they and their king set the lone example of protecting their Jews resistance from the Nazis. As the Nazis targeted Danish Jewry for Auschwitz, Danish authorities managed to ship most of their Jews to safety in neutral Sweden. 

In 1938, Streicher wrote an article, “The Poisonous Mushroom,” which prepared German youth to annihilate Jewry. In 1939, before Hitler invaded Russia, Streicher called for a “punitive expedition” to “exterminate root and branch” the country’s Jews. Interestingly, Streicher had written an article in Der Stumer called “Der Purimfest,” way back in May, 1924, showing his awareness of Jewish holidays and customs. This article early in his career would parallel Hashem’s vengeance at his career’s end, his execution at Nuremberg.

Streicher was convicted as an accessory to murder, his conviction stating that he “incited murder and extermination.” Streicher indeed acknowledged his execution’s connection to Purim.  Just before his hanging at the gallows with the noose tied around his neck and with burning hatred in his eyes, he shouted, “Purimfest 1946!” Dr. Moshe Katz’s book notes that the hangings were no doubt Divine retribution from the Megillah given that American military tribunals typically carried out death sentences through firing squad or electric chairs. Hanging was a truly uncommon execution. Finally, the Nazis’ conviction and hanging would take place on Hoshana Rabba, the day when the final din (judgment) is complete.

A Jewish Prosecutor

In May 2017, Leslie Stahl produced a CBS documentary for the show 60 Minutes interviewing then-97-year-old Benjamin Ferencz, the last surviving prosecutor of the Nuremberg trials. As one of the primary prosecutors at Nuremberg, Ferencz, who was Jewish, had been reassigned from the Normandy front after a brief return home to get married. Although he never wanted to set foot in Germany again, he was enlisted by General Telford Taylor, in charge of the Nuremberg prosecution, to help prosecute the Nazi war criminals, especially those carrying out the Final Solution.

Ferencz’ job was to discover evidence for murder – not for the concentration camps but, rather, for the over one million innocent civilians killed by secret SS units called Einsatzgruppen (action groups) during the Nazi Eastern campaign. Without willing witnesses or releasable documentation from the Soviet-occupied Eastern Front, evidence seemed scant to try the captured culprits.

It was the discovery of a trove of documents in the ruins of the former German Foreign Ministry that gave Ferencz his impetus. Ferencz had stumbled upon reports sent back to headquarters by the Einsatzgruppen, totaling over 3,000 soldier-murderers. Their job had been to follow the German army as it invaded the Soviet Union in 1941 and to murder Communists, gypsies, and especially Jews. These documents contained orders signed by these captured Nazis to exterminate the Jewish people wherever and whenever they were found. There were also orderly reports sent from the Eastern Front confirming the implementation of their genocide. It would be these accused Nazi war criminals’ own correspondence with the Einsatzgruppen that would incriminate and convict them, and it was the Divine will to use a Jewish prosecutor (whose nieces and nephews actually live in our Baltimore community) to pursue justice for these Final Solution criminals.

Lessons Learned

As we look back at the Nuremberg trial convictions, we can learn lessons relevant for today. Streicher’s “Purimfest 1946” outburst debunks the theory espoused by many, including assimilated Jews, that anti-Semitism is about ignorance. While many Jews are ignorant of Judaism, our Amalekite enemies show how well versed in Judaism they really are. Adolph Eichmann, the lead Nazi to implement the Final Solution, managed to escape Nuremberg justice until his capture in Argentina and prosecution in Israel 16 years later. He boasted at his trial about how he once studied with a Berlin “rabbi.” As a German spy for the Weimar Republic in the 1920s, he was sent to Haifa to report on British-ruled Palestine. There he learned Hebrew and Yiddish, and his fluency in Israeli Hebrew made him quite aware of the Tel Aviv trial proceedings.

One of my Yeshiva Chofetz Chaim chavrusas told me about his grandfather’s concentration camp internment; he testified that the Nazis deliberately and sadistically prepared feasts for their starving victim prisoners to partake of on two days per year: Yom Kippur and Tisha B’Av. They understood the depravity and mockery of making plentiful food available only on these days. Streicher’s Purimfest expression, too, showed that he understood the Purim replay he would experience at his execution.

The war against the Jewish people is continual and repetitive. It is not from ignorance but from clear awareness. Our enemies are more than aware of our Divine chosenness and use their knowledge to manipulate us to their advantage. Thus, they befriend us when it suits their interests. (See the episode with the Turkish president, below.) And when they wish to destroy us, they also use their knowledge of our Torah culture. (Rabbi Beryl Wein notes that for the first Bolshevik politburo, Lenin appointed three yeshiva “graduates,” two with semicha, to impose communism on Russia and its Jews.)

It is with this knowledge that Hamas provides for the next generation of terrorists by providing Hebrew language study in their Gaza schools, and that Iran launches Hebrew language radio programming directed at Israel. Last month, Hamas backer and Islamicist, Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan, in a bid to reconcile with Israel in order to negotiate a Mediterranean oil pipeline thru Turkey, hosted a meeting with rabbinic figures from Islamic countries, flying them in to Ankara at government expense. At the conference, he called for the upgrading of relations with Israel and phoned Israeli President Herzog and invited him for an official visit to Turkey. Like Achashveirosh, who initially consulted with the chachamim regarding what to do about Vashti’s public disobedience, the world leaders accept that our Jewish leadership is through our rabbis and thus court them for their own ends.

Last fall, Iran sent their chief rabbi to the U.S. to woo U.S. Jews to support the Biden administration’s nuclear deal. Today’s Iranian President Raisi, with whom the Biden administration seeks to negotiate a nuclear deal, has been deemed a war criminal even by the anti-Israel United Nations. He murdered tens of thousands of his own people in a 1988 mass slaying of political prisoners who allegedly refused to recant their “apostasy.” Despite his record, world powers ignore his past and enlist him to secure a new nuclear agreement. While the agreement will ostensibly prevent it from producing nuclear weapons, actually, it will enable it to eventually produce such weapons, which would provide the means for Iran to carry out its publicly declared goal of destroying its prime target, Israel.

As we celebrate Purim each year, we must acknowledge that Hashem’s war against Amalek is fought in every generation. The players differ, but the Purim script is the same. With the recollection of the Nuremberg trials, and as the world experiences an uptick of anti-Semitic attacks through individuals, terrorist organizations, and nation states, let us take this Purim to acknowledge that our salvation ultimately lies with Hashem. It is He Who will eventually mete out the justice of Purim to those who, acting as Amalek, seek our destruction.



[1]  The Man on the Wall (in Hebrew), S.Z. Sonnenfeld, editor. (Jerusalem, 5736), p. 108.

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