A USDA Study Helps Clarify Halacha


The United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) recently conducted a study about the consumption of pizza in the United States. This study may clarify a long-lasting question as to what bracha (blessing) should be made upon eating pizza. It is fascinating to see that halacha can possibly be determined by studies conducted by the government, which were done without any intention of clarifying halacha.

Here is the dilemma: There is a difference of opinion among the contemporary American poskim as to what bracha should be said on pizza. While poskim from Eretz Yisrael all agree that one should make hamotzi on pizza, even when eating a small amount as a snack,* in the United States it is questionable.

Why is that? Because, as the Mishna Berura (siman 168 sif 17) clearly says, the bracha depends on whether most pizza is eaten as a meal or as a snack. While in Eretz Yisrael the poskim feel that it is clear that pizza is eaten mostly as a meal, in the United States some poskim were not so sure.

This pizza study, published on Feb. 11 by the USDA, documents when most pizza is eaten in the United States and seems to clarify this issue.  According to this study, an astounding 90 percent of the pizza eaten in the United States is eaten for breakfast, lunch, and supper, and only 10 percent is eaten for snacks.

When I saw this survey I was amazed. Here is a study conducted by the USDA that can actually clarify this halachic question. I showed the study to Rabbi Pinchas Bodner, well known author of Halachos of Brachos, published by Feldheim. After studying the survey, he agreed that, based on this new information, one should in fact make hamotzi even on a small amount of pizza eaten as a snack.

In addition, Rabbi Bodner said that the well known psak from R’ Moshe Feinstein, zt”l, that one can eat up to two slices of pizza without washing, was only said at a time when most pizza was eaten as a snack. “It appears,” said Rabbi Bodner, “that if R’ Moshe would have seen this study, he also would have agreed that hamotzi should be said.” (See sidebar.)

It should be noted that, although this is the opinion of the Chofetz Chaim in the Mishna Berura, and as in most areas in Jewish law, his opinion is usually the deciding one, there is a minority opinion of the Taz that even if pizza is eaten mostly as a meal, its bracha would still be mezonos (if less than two slices are eaten). As such, as with all areas in halacha, it is always a good idea to consult with one’s local Rav.

Some people have suggested that even though the study shows that the general public eats pizza as a meal, perhaps Jewish people are different. To clarify this question a study was done on a popular Jewish website. Of the 108 people who responded, 64 thought that most pizza was eaten for supper, 40 thought that most pizza was eaten for lunch, while only four people thought pizza was eaten mostly as a snack. It seems that Jews are not that different from the general population in the way they eat pizza.

Interestingly enough, when I discussed these findings with rabbanim, it turned out that some local rabbanim have already been making hamotzi on one slice of pizza. The same information that came out now with the USDA study has been clear to them for many years!

When the Star-K was contacted for their opinion, they were indeed excited about the latest study. They were happy about this article. However, they want to do their own study, so a final psak has not yet been given as this article goes to print.

I was so excited about this new discovery that I wanted to share it with the readers of the WWW who care about making the proper brachos when they eat.


*See V’zos Habracha, p.11232 &  in the name of R’ Elyashiv, R’ Scheinberg, R’ Shternbuch. Also see V’sane Bracha in the name of R’ S.Z. Auerbach




R’ Bodner’s Teshuva


 ××—ר דרישת שלום תורתו וכו'.

אצל מרן הגרש"ז זצ"ל היה פשוט שבן ארץ ישראל צריך לברך המוציא אף אם אינו אוכל אלא כזית אחת של פיצה מכיון שרובם אוכלים שם פיצה כסעודה.

אכן בארה"ב כאשר הפיצה הוצגה לראשונה לפני כחמישים או שישים שנה, רוב האנשים אכלו את האוכל של חידוש זה כחטיף. אנשים בכל רחבי אמריקה סמכו על פסק מהגר"מ פיינשטיין זצ"ל שעד שתי פרוסות ניתן לאכול בלי נט"י המוציא וברכת המזון. כידוע במשך זמן הפיצה הפכה מאוכל חטיף למזון מאוד רגילה. כששאלתי את מרן הגרש"ז זצ"ל על פיצה, לא היה לי שום דרך לברר בודאות איך רוב של פיצה היה נאכל באמריקה.

מאחר ועכשיו יש לנו את התוצאות של מחקר גדול שבוצע על ידי ממשלת ארה"ב, שרובא דרובא אנשים אוכלים פיצה דרך סעודה, נר' שיש לסמוך על ×–×” לקובע שפיצה הוא כלחם ממש וברכתו המוציא וברכת המזון על אכילה קטנה של כזית. 

ידידך ישראל פינחס באדנער


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