Articles by Eli Schlossberg

Hi, I’m New in Town


Hi, let me introduce myself: I am Eli W. Schlossberg and I’m kind of new in town. How can I say that, you ask, when I was born at Sinai Hospital in 1950? Well, I’m talking about the “new” town of Baltimore. Let me describe the Baltimore I knew, and then you will understand.

Sinai Hospital? No, not the one off Northern Parkway; in those days it was located on Ann and Monument Streets. My family davened at a Shearith Israel – no, not the one on Glen Avenue. It was located on McCulloh Street off North Avenue. We shopped at Wasserman and Lemberger – no, not the one on Reisterstown Road; it was on Whitlock Street and then on Park Heights, and it was indeed owned by Mr. Bernie Wasserman and Mr. Sol Lemberger.

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My Guitar The Schlossberg Family and Music


Many of you reading this article know me. After all, I grew up in Baltimore and spent my whole life here. Some of you know me as a businessman, with a 40-year career in specialty foods. Others know me from my articles in the Where What When or as a trustee of Baltimore’s wonderful Ahavas Yisrael Charity Fund. What many of you may not know is my profound attachment to music and especially to my guitar. Let me tell you the story.

Read More:My Guitar The Schlossberg Family and Music

Letters to My Children and Grandchildren Part 4


This is the final installment of “Letters to My Children and Grandchildren.” If you have been following the series, you know that these letters are part of a book of advice for life, based on Pirkei Avos, that I wrote for my childrenI have received good feedback from readers and hope that you have been inspired to write your own letters as a legacy to the next generation. If so, then my goal in sharing will have been accomplished.

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Dear Children,

Celebrate simchas and siyumim to their fullest. Each time you celebrate, give proper hakaras hatov (gratitude) to Hashem. Give tzedaka to the less fortunate so they can have simcha as well.


Read More:Letters to My Children and Grandchildren Part 4

Mrs. Hannah Storch, a”h : Baltimore’s First Lady of Chesed


The shivah is over for Baltimore’s esteemed First Lady of Chesed, Mrs. Hannah Storch,a”h, and her passing symbolizes the end of a generation of Baltimore greats, those who laid the foundations of the community we enjoy today. But more than a symbol, Mrs. Storch was a warm, kind, and generous individual, the quintessential eishes chayil, who fulfilled the ideals of the Torah and led by example. Hannah’s impeccable character spoke volumes to all who knew her and even to those who only heard of her. I, personally, have known her “forever” as the Storches and my parents were devoted friends. I am honored to have this opportunity to recount her praises.

Read More:Mrs. Hannah Storch, a”h : Baltimore’s First Lady of Chesed

Letters to My Children and Grandchildren Part 3


In the introduction to this series, I explained how, many years ago, I wrote a book for my children on advice for life. It was based largely on Pirkei Avos, whose principles I have tried to live by and tried to instill in them. Parts one and two of this four-part series dealt largely with choosing a marriage partner. In part three, I continue with another element of success in life, namely family finances. This includes learning and working, planning for a career, investing, and using money as Hashem intended. This fits in well with the investment theme of this month’s Where What When.

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Letters to My Children and Grandchildren Part 2


Last month, I introduced this series of articles by explaining how, many years ago, I wrote a book of advice to my children in the form of letters. It was based largely on Pirkei Avos, whose principles I have tried to live by and which I have tried to instill in my children. Now, I am writing to my grandchildren, to transmit to them, too, whatever wisdom I have attained as well as their family history, stories, and minhagim.

In disseminating these letters beyond the family, I am not preaching, nor am I attempting to give mussar, both of which I may not be qualified or deserving to do. These are simply words of advice to my children and grandchildren, based on my personal Torah education, hashkafa (religious outlook), and life experiences.

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