Articles by Tamar Sobel

Life in the Land - Affordability, Integration, and Simplicity




We moved from Lakewood, New Jersey to Karmiel 11 years ago. Of course, we wanted to live in Yerushalayim, but my sister-in-law, who was living in Karmiel, suggested we would have a “softer landing” in a small community, and an easier time integrating. At the time, our oldest daughter and son were in the ninth and eighth grades respectively. Baruch Hashem, we all acclimated very nicely.

The first six months, though, were very difficult for the kids. Back in Lakewood, they had been very popular in school, and here, not really knowing any Hebrew, they couldn’t understand what was going on. My eleven-year-old son was especially upset. One day, he threw a tantrum and was literally on the floor, complaining, “Why did you bring us here?” and screaming so loudly that the neighbor called the police! It was a very embarrassing scene. If you’d meet him today, you’d never imagine such a thing was possible; he’s totally Israeli, and is learning in Beis Matisyahu, a respected Israeli yeshiva in Bnei Brak. The younger kids also became Israeli, though the ones older than him remained more American.

Read More:Life in the Land - Affordability, Integration, and Simplicity