Articles From February 2018

Child-Rearing in Retrospect


Hindsight is 20/20, as the old saying goes, and this is certainly applicable when it comes to raising one’s children. Although caring for our children’s needs from infancy to adulthood is one of our most important purposes in life, the fact that the only training available is “on-the-job” may give us pause to look back on our child-rearing careers and ponder: What am I glad I did, and what do I regret having done?

After recently reading an article in Business Insider, “Six Ways Millennials Are Raising Kids Differently than any Generation before Them,” these questions come to mind: Do millennial parents have more guidance than their parents did in raising their children? And, are the babies born each year to millennial moms being raised better than the children of baby boomers”?

Read More:Child-Rearing in Retrospect