Articles From September 2012


We all know that our day begins at sunset: “And it was evening, and it was morning…” is the formula for each of the days of Creation. We are all clearly aware that Shabbos begins on Friday night and ends on Saturday night. Those davening Maariv or bentsching at night recite the appropriate sections (for Rosh Chodesh, etc) for the upcoming day.

But there is no time in the Jewish year where the beginning of the day at the evening is more obvious than during the counting of the Omer. We count the day in the evening, and if we

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Ask the Shadchan

To the Shadchan

My friend and I went through school together and are now in our mid-twenties. I am married; she is not. I recently thought of a shidduch idea for her. He is someone my husband met in shul and brought home for Shabbos lunch. He seems to be a nice person. He has a job and is presentable, well mannered, and personable. My only hesitation is that he is not as polished and accomplished as she is. My friend is a terrific girl – someone special. She is a professional who is capable, refined, and socially adept.

My feeling

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Ask the Shadchan

To the Shadchan

I recently started dating a guy. He is funny, smart, and very good looking. We clicked right away, spending long hours together. This all sounds perfect. The only problem is my parents. They don’t like him and are against us going out. They think that since he comes from such a different background and culture I won’t be able to relate to him. I secretly think that they are just worried about appearances – what people will say if we get engaged. They have also heard from some people that his behavior is a “little questionable,” although I have

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Building a Castle- A Company that Kept Shabbos

For the refugees who escaped the horrors of the Second World War, it was incredibly difficult to start over again in a place that was totally foreign in culture, language, and lifestyle. Many escaped penniless with just the clothing they wore and were helped by Jewish organizations like HIAS (Hebrew Immigrants Aid Society) of The Associated, here in Baltimore. Others were brought over by relatives, and some were even sponsored by generous private individuals, who provided affidavits to ensure that the refugees would not become a burden to this country. The money they posted made the government more likely to

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What If My Spouse Isn’t Interested? Six Things You Can Do to Create a Happy Marriage with an Unwilling Partner

Are you frustrated? At your wits’ end? Feeling like you are doing all the work in your relationship?

It is extremely disappointing and exasperating if your spouse has “checked out” of his/her role in your relationship. You are probably feeling lonely and hopeless that your marriage will ever be what you had once dreamt. Here are six things you can do on your own to create a happy marriage even if your spouse isn’t interested:

Become Conscious


One of the major areas that set marriages up for failure is unrealistic expectations or a misunderstanding of how relationships work. While couples often start

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