Articles by Shmuel Golfeyz

The Dangers of Hookah


Hookah smoking is a relatively new trend that has been gaining in popularity amongst teenagers and young adults. Unfortunately, many people are not aware of the dangers of smoking hookah. This is mainly due to the relatively new introduction of hookah’s into the US, minimal research, and lack of proper education on the matter. Cigarettes on the other hand, have been around a lot longer and many people are well aware of the negative effects it can have on one’s health. Additionally, there is a plethora of literature and scientific articles on cigarettes, the dangers, and the negative health effects. When it comes to cigarette smoking, people can name off many of the adverse health effects, such as lung cancer, heart disease and many others maladies. It is my hope that by the end of this article more people will be educated on what hookahs are, how they work, and the harmful effects they can have on one’s health. Hopefully by doing so, people will become as educated on hookahs as they currently are about cigarettes.

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